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Mortgage Professor about joint tenancy: 
Settlement Costs Included in Annual Percentage Rate
July 11, 2002, Revised December 4, 2004 In principle, the APR should include all settlement costs that would not arise in an all-cash transaction.  Unfortunately, the current definition violates this rule in a number of instances, with no rhyme or reason.  The columns below ... more...

Stated Income Loans: Lie to Get a Better Rate?
June 20, 2005 Stated income loans are also called ?liars loans?, because in some cases, the rules virtually invite the borrower to lie. The case below is a great illustration. ?My husband makes $7,000 a month but has a credit score of 503. I make $1250 and have a score ... more...

joint tenancy related definitions

Joint Tenancy
Joint Tenancy Ownership of a property by 2 or more people, each of whom has an undivided interest with the right of survivorship. Example : Two people own a house in joint tenancy. Each owns half of the entire (undivided) property. If one dies, survivor will own the entire ... more...

Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage, Reverse Annuity Mortgage, RAM A form of mortgage in which the lender makes periodic payments to the borrower using the borrower's equity in the home. A mortgage used by the elderly that provides income as a way of converting their home equity into a ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Understanding the Escrow (Closing) Process
1. What is an escrow?Escrow is defined as a process where parties deposit instructions and funds with a "disinterested" third party until conditions of the instructions are met. This applies whether the purchase is real estate or an expensive Ebay item. In a real estate escrow, a title insurance ... more...

Mortgage Glossary of Terms
A brief list of some of the most common Mortgage terms.Adverse Credit The term used if the borrower has a poor credit history. This could include previous mortgage or loan arrears, bankruptcy or CCJ's. Other terms used to describe an adverse credit mortgage include: Bad credit mortgagePoor ... more...

How to Buy to Let
Find out everything you need to know about buy to let. Learn what to buy, where to buy and what not to buy. All this information about buy to let wont cost you a penny.buying If the area is full of buy to let property investors the supply of property to let might outweigh tenant demand and create ... more...

Getting Married? What Are The Finance and Credit Implications?
There is a big difference between looking after your own finances while living alone, or with parents, and living with a partner. The transition can be very difficult, especially if both partners are strongly independent, or one partner is financially weak and the other strong. In fact, it is an ... more...

Credit and Divorce
Mary and Bill recently divorced. Their divorce decree stated that Bill would pay the balances on their three joint credit card accounts. Months later, after Bill neglected to pay off these accounts, all three creditors contacted Mary for payment. She referred them to the divorce decree, insisting ... more...

Important Things to Know About Divorce and Credit
Joint debts remain joint debts.Both spouses signed a legally binding contract with the creditor, and a divorce decree neither amends this contract nor relieves the creditor's investment in you. Amendment of any contract requires agreement by all parties, including the creditor, and proof of the ... more...

Joint Bank Accounts and Divorce
Here are some useful tips on joint bank accounts and divorce. If you've recently been through a divorce - or are contemplating one - you may want to look closely at issues involving joint bank accounts.Joint Bank Account: Your income, financial assets, and credit history - and your spouse's - are ... more...

How to Deal With A Death in the Family and Still Run Your Small Business
As a small business owner we have to deal with tax law changes, local ordinances, environmental laws, Workers Compensation, etc. Just when we thought we had everything under control, something terrible happenes. A death in the family. Oh my God you say? What do I do now? Well since I have been ... more...

The Magic and Mystery of Teams
As the world of manufacturing has become increasingly competitive, managers have diligently searched out new and innovative ways to increase productivity, multiply the power of every employee, and better utilize every resource in order to positively impact the bottom line.For more than a decade one ... more...

Joint Debt - Loan and Credit Card Bills
Julie, a 20 year old full time college student, married Bert, a 24 year old medical clerk. On the day she signed their marriage license, her credit report score began to worsen. Julie knew Bert had been previously married, and though that marriage had lasted only two years, it was long enough to ... more...

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